HOWARU® Protect Adults | HOWARU® | Clinically-Mastered Probiotics

HOWARU® Protect Adults

HOWARU® Protect Adults

HOWARU® Protect Adults

Enhancing natural immunity

HOWARU® Protect Adult is a proven probiotic solution for supporting overall immune health in adults. It features one well-documented strain for immune health, Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04®, which research has shown to also bolster healthy respiratory function in adults.

2B CFU | Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04®

Why choose HOWARU® Protect Adults?

  • Promotes a healthy immune response
  • Helps maintain healthy respiratory function
  • #1 Dr. Preferred Probiotic for Respiratory Health*

* 2018 ProVoice Survey of 250 Board Certified Primary Care Physicians

[1]West et al., 2014. Probiotic supplementation for respiratory and gastrointestinal illness symptoms in healthy physically active individuals. ClinNutr. 2014 Aug;33(4):58 1-7.